Because the back pain and gives pain to the rib: with one or both sides

Back pain along the ribs are some of the most common symptoms for a wide range of diseases. Possible difficulty in diagnosis is compounded frequent spreading of pain of the hypochondrium to the rear and vice versa.

A similar phenomenon of radiation pain caused close anatomical and functional communication of the organs of the upper level of the abdominal cavity, and the lower part of the rib cage.

hurt the ribs with the back

The spread of pain to adjacent areas of the body (reciprocal pain) explains the concept of a dermatome, which represents a segment of the skin, which is innervated one spinae back.

The causes

The cause of the back pain that radiates to the hypochondrium, and vice versa, may be pathological processes in the following systems and organs:

  • digestion: the pancreas, liver, gall bladder, thin or large intestine, the stomach;
  • cardiovascular: heart, blood vessels, etc.;
  • the muscle system-motor: muscle of the front of the abdominal wall, the muscles of the back, ribs, vertebral column;
  • nervous: spinal roots, nerve trunks and plexus;
  • urinary – renal;
  • the immune system: the spleen.
  • Pathology to the left under the ribs

    Diseases of the spleen

    The most common diseases of the spleen, the uses of a pain in the back, which makes in the right upper quadrant of the front, listed below.

    Infarction of the spleen: occurs when acute violation vasculature of the organ as a result of obstruction of the lumen of the splenic artery, its branches, horns or embolus. The causes of infarction of the spleen most often are: atherosclerosis, heart rhythm disorders, malignant neoplasms, hematologic and autoimmune diseases, accidents, cirrhosis of the liver, etc.

    The clinical manifestations vary depending on the caliber of the vessel affected. Usually the patient presents with complaint of acute pain in the left part of the back that radiates into one half of the abdomen, to the chest.

    Also a patient may disturb the weakness, fever, chills, nausea, vomiting. Occasionally, in the case of closure the segmental artery complaints can be everything.

    Benign or malignant tumor. May long be asymptomatic.

    Important! The pain aching, stupid character back or on the left side of the abdomen joins after germination tumor of the capsule that covers the spleen. The patient may disturb the lack of appetite, asymmetry in the abdomen, weight loss, etc.

    Abscess of the spleen. Develops following infection of the tissue of the spleen to the lymphatic or blood vessels. Characterized by a dull pain in the left side of the right upper quadrant that radiates to the back or the shoulder girdle (may increase in movement), fever with chills.

    Cysts of the spleen: parasitic (hydatid disease, alveococcosis) and nonparasitica. The latter can be congenital or acquired (due to injury). If of large size occur pain, the weight to the left of the upper right quadrant, and the protrusion of the left half of the belly.


    hurt the ribs with the back causes

    Angina pectoris. In a typical case is the pain, which is localized behind the breastbone or in the left half of the chest, caused physical or emotional load, lasts from a few seconds to a few minutes, and it is amputated vacation or taking nitroglycerin.

    A specific symptom is irradiation of pain under the scapula, the hand and the jaw with the left hand. Quite often angina pectoris is flowing atypical: the patient may disturb the pain in the back or to the left abdomen that radiates in the right upper quadrant (peripheral form of angina pectoris). The pain can be crushing, compressive, sharp, sharp, aching character.

    Myocardial infarction – a condition that can lead to the death of the patient.

    The pain of acute myocardial infarction is similar to the pain of angina, but differs from it expressed the intensity and the lack of effect of taking nitroglycerin.

    Infarction inferior wall myocardial the pain can be localized in the upper part of the abdomen, and to give to the back (abdominal shape).

    Other cardiac diseases. Pericarditis, cardiomyopathy, myocarditis, occur very rarely and in exceptional cases may be accompanied by pain in the left half of the back that radiates in the right upper quadrant.


    Acute or chronic pancreatitis is an inflammation of the pancreas, the main reasons are errors in the diet, and alcohol abuse, cholelithiasis.

    Brighter symptom of acute pancreatitis – severe pain in the upper abdomen or the left side of the right upper quadrant that radiates to the back and under the scapula. It can be so intense, that brings the patient painful punishment, and hooked only to narcotic analgesics.

    Also the patient is concerned about nausea, repeated vomiting, disorders of the chair, the increase of the temperature, in the most severe cases – hemorrhagic rashes on the body.

    Attention! Chronic pancreatitis in remission, asymptomatic. An exacerbation develop the symptoms of acute pancreatitis.

    Neurological diseases

    The back pain radiates in the right upper quadrant is characteristic for degenerative disc disease sternal-lumbar spine, pathology of the peripheral nervous system. Osteochondrosis of the pain can be permanent or paroxysmal.

    More often that wear shoots, and spastic, he used one character and are amplified when driving. Cause an attack of pain is possible by means of the pressure on the trigger points in the exit painful to the nerve root near the spine.

    For the neuralgia of strong character, with burning pain, which increases when you press, and the change of the position of the body.

    When nerve diseases of the patient can disturb sensory disturbances (creeping chills, the reduction of some types of sensitivity) and weaknesses (difficulty in movement).

    That causes discomfort with the right hand

    Liver failure

    Liver failure is called acute or chronic is a condition in which the cells of the liver is not able to adequately support the metabolism for several reasons:

  • the toxic damage (alcohol, drugs, fertilizers, etc);
  • liver disease (cirrhosis, hepatitis, infectious diseases, neoplasms, thrombosis of the portal vein);
  • diseases of other organs of the digestive tract (cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cancers);
  • diseases of other organs and systems (rheumatology, infectious, cardiac).
  • Often liver failure develops as a consequence of the liver cirrhosis of various origins (viral, alcoholic). In this case, for patients it is characterized by the stupid arching pain or tightness in the right upper quadrant that radiates to the back.

    When liver failure decompensated unite edema, ascites (accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity), bleeding tendency, the smell of ammonia in the mouth, yellow color of the skin, the defeat of the brain (by changing speech, confusion, impaired coordination, etc.)


    hurt the ribs with the back to the left

    The inflammation of the gallbladder (cholecystitis) occurs because of the infection. The characteristic symptom is the pain under the rib right, which can give the right part of the back.

    The intensity of pain can vary significantly: from weak dull to strong pristupoobrazna. Also the patient can disturb nausea, vomiting, taste of bile in the mouth, fever, change in color of stools and urine (in the case of violation of the outflow of bile).

    Of acute cholecystitis is usually a violation of the diet.

    Cancer of the head of the pancreas

    60-70% of patients with cancer affecting the head of the pancreas. The symptoms are pain, jaundice and weight loss.

    On-line help. The pain is localized in the right upper quadrant or epigastric and can give in the interscapular area or the spinal column.

    He usually wears stupid arching or against nature (sometimes sharp), strengthened after violation of the diet, in the supine position at night. During germination in the solar plexus, the intensity of the pain increases, it becomes herpes character.

    Jaundice, weight loss, itching, dark urine, and brightness cala occur due to compression of the tumor of the bile ducts.


    Often from cholelithiasis, are affections of a middle-aged woman with weight problems.

    A typical symptom of cholelithiasis – acute pain in the top of the board, which appears after a heavy meal (fatty, fried, smoked).

    You can shine under the right scapula and the interscapular area.

    Along with the pain in the patient notes nausea, vomiting, fever, weakness.

    Out acute the pain is moderate or may be absent.


    Inflammation of the appendix is the most common cause of emergency surgical pathology. Usually the pain from appendicitis is located in the lower part of the belly.

    However, the high position of the appendix occurs in the right hypochondrium, with the spread in the right half of the back and may simulate an attack of cholecystitis. The pain in this case is varied:

      sore, arching, stabbing, stupid, etc.

    Usually, the patient is worried about the nausea, single vomiting, and a moderate increase of body temperature.

    Common causes of pain on both sides

    Low back pain

    It is a degenerative disease of the spine, which is accompanied by a decrease in the thickness of intervertebral discs, excessive proliferation of bone and displacement of the vertebrae.

    These factors lead to compression of the spinal nerves, which manifests itself in the syndrome of pain.

    Important! The pain usually wears a wave nature, is increased during the movement, abandoning the position. It is often accompanied by numbness, tingling, burning sensation in the affected area.

    Diseases of the stomach

    Periodic dull pain in this case, it is usually localized in the epigastrium, but it may give in the rear on both sides, or interscapular area, with the involvement of the posterior wall of the stomach.

    May occur immediately or after one hour after the meal (ulcer) or disturb the patient most of the time (for stomach cancer).

    Other alarming symptoms are:

      nausea, heartburn, loss of appetite, the reduction of body weight, etc.
    ribs hurt from behind with two sides

    The most frequent diseases of the stomach, which are accompanied by pain, with the spread in the back are:- gastric ulcer;- gastritis;- stomach cancer.

    Intestinal pathology

    Usually, the stomach pain that radiates to the back, characterized by:

      duodenal ulcer, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, cancer defeated, etc.

    The pain in diseases of the colon or small intestine is associated with food intake.

    She usually wears aching in nature and rarely reaches a high intensity.

    Locate can in the various departments of the belly and give a part of the back.

    The difficulty of diagnosis of cheques pains

    The diagnosis of pain without a clear localization or spread to other parts of the body is a difficult clinical goal. This is caused by extensive and functional links to adjacent organs.

    Fundamental for the differential diagnosis of the pain (sharp, dull, aching, burning), its constancy, the reason and the time of onset. These features allow to suspect a specific pathology and to spend aircraft a further examination.

    The right approach to treatment and methods of

    Mutual pain are a must, the occasion for the advice of a doctor. Treatment in the case of cheques, pain should be made after establishing a definitive diagnosis with the aid of the laboratory-instrumental methods of diagnostics.

    Please note! In some cases, effective therapy is the conservative (low back pain, gastritis, gastric ulcer), and in others, it may be necessary a surgery (malignant tumors, cholelithiasis, appendicitis).

    To what doctor to address

    Primary diagnosis and clarify the causes of the pain deals with of the therapist. He can refer the patient to a profile of a specialist for advice or treatment after you establish a definitive diagnosis.

    In the pathology of the digestive system therapy realizes gastroenterologist, osteochondrosis and headaches – neurologist, when the cancer – oncologist. In the case of necessity (appendicitis, cholecystitis) the help is a surgeon.


    The back pain with the diffusion in the right upper quadrant (or vice versa) offers a wide clinical variety and you can walk out with a large list of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, cardiovascular, nervous system. The knowledge of its characteristics allows to suspect a specific pathology, spend quality diagnostic research and prescribe the proper treatment.